The Polytope of Mycenae (1978) / I. Xenakis: structuring the space of the past through a futuristic architectonic approach
The Polytope of Mycenae (1978) / I. Xenakis: structuring the space of the past through a futuristic architectonic approach
Colloque International : De Xenakis à nos jours : Le Continuum et son développement en musique et en architecture
In 1978 Xenakis created at the Acropolis of Mycenae a unique event -in multiple places (polytopon)- a participatory art spectacle for the masses with music and poetry, audiovisual effects, soundscapes with human and animal voices and bells with absolute respect to the historical and the natural soundscape of the archeological site.
In this presentation I will present the structure of the polytope in space and time through a microstructure and macrostructure analysis; I will focus especially on Mycenae Alpha the the electronic piece that has been composed for this event and is based in microstructural sound design in UPIC environment (Polyagogie) through cloud and aborescences. The sound of Mycenae Alpha is the futuristic tool « par excellence » that bridges different events that happen in the "heterotopian" soundscape of Mycenae and thus highlights the cultural heritage of thousands of years through the perspective of a futuristic driven architecture organization in the field of audio, music, speech and natural soundscape.
In this presentation I will present the structure of the polytope in space and time through a microstructure and macrostructure analysis; I will focus especially on Mycenae Alpha the the electronic piece that has been composed for this event and is based in microstructural sound design in UPIC environment (Polyagogie) through cloud and aborescences. The sound of Mycenae Alpha is the futuristic tool « par excellence » that bridges different events that happen in the "heterotopian" soundscape of Mycenae and thus highlights the cultural heritage of thousands of years through the perspective of a futuristic driven architecture organization in the field of audio, music, speech and natural soundscape.
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Centre Iannis Xenakis
University of Cyprus
European University of Cyprus
Université de Rouen
École nationale supérieure d'architecture de Normandie (Darnétal, Seine-Maritime)
Ce(tte) œuvre est mise à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution - Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale - Pas de Modification 4.0 International
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Citer ce document
Georgaki, Anastasia. Conférencière et University of Cyprus, “The Polytope of Mycenae (1978) / I. Xenakis: structuring the space of the past through a futuristic architectonic approach,” Centre Iannis Xenakis., consulté le 19 janvier 2025,